Journal Title | : Journal of Government and Political Issues |
ISSN | : 2807-3584 (online) | 2807-3746 (print) |
DOI Prefix | : Prefix 10.53341 by |
Editor in Chief | : Muhammad Habibi |
Publisher | : Mengeja Indonesia Publisher |
Frequency | : 3 issues per year |
Citation Analysis | : Google Scholar | Crossref | Garuda | Dimension | IndexCopernicus | Base |
JGPI: Journal of Government and Political Issues is an excellent, double blind peer review, open access journal that targets research in Government and Political Issues. This journal is a platform for academics and professionals to analyze, stimulate and disseminate various conditions and dynamics of government and politics, government processes, political research based on the latest theories, concepts, and methodologies. This journal offers a source of real value to researchers and useful to public policy makers in all fields who are looking for specific ways to address issues related to governance and politics. This journal is filled with qualified contributors, who will present in-depth research and studies, and have practical and advanced values.
JGPI is registered with an ISSN number 2807-3584 (online) and 2807-3746 (print). This journal is published three times a year: March, July, and November by Mengeja Indonesia. JGPI invites all interested contributors to submit their papers for consideration or become subscribers and publish their articles on JGPI.
JGPI invite all interested contributors to submit their papers for consideration or to become a subscriber and publish their article at JGPI.
Call for Paper
Current Issue
2024 Election Organizers Recruitment Reform: Challenges and Solutions Towards More Transparent and Accountable Elections
Abstract views: 141 times |PDF downloaded: 95 times -
Human Rights Crisis in Jammu and Kashmir A Comprehensive Analysis of Systematic Abuses and Urgent Call for Action
Abstract views: 312 times |PDF downloaded: 206 times -
Corruption as a Contributing Factor to Unemployment and Environmental Pollution in Nigeria The Niger Delta Perspective
Abstract views: 121 times |PDF downloaded: 87 times -
The Influence of COVID-19 on Community Participation in the Mayoral Election A Case Study from Barombong Village, Makassar City
Abstract views: 85 times |PDF downloaded: 66 times -
Women in the Political Landscape A Study on the Roles of Female Legislators in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
Abstract views: 153 times |PDF downloaded: 136 times -
What is the Impact of Infrastructure, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Economic Stability on Central Java's Economic Growth?
Abstract views: 139 times |PDF downloaded: 116 times -