Migrant and Ethnic Malay Marginalization in Tanjung Putus Village, Langkat Regency, Sumatra Province, Indonesia
malay, marginalization, migration, local governmentAbstract
The purpose of this study is to describe the migration of migrants to Tanjung Putus Village, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province, which has an impact on the marginalization of the indigenous population. The local government seems to support the marginalization of the indigenous people, namely, Malays who come from the coast of Sumatra. This study uses ethnographic research, meaning that the researcher will act as an anthropologist to find and describe the factors of migration and the efforts of the Malay community to maintain their identity. Data was collected using observation, interview data, and document study. Marginalization implies differences in rights and obligations that are socially formed. The marginalization of ethnic Malays forms social patterns manifested in the attitudes and behaviors they embody in their daily lives, and these conditions will be very vulnerable to conflict.
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